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Table of Contents


Plenary Lecture:
Organic waste in Spain: a problem that should be a resource
M. Soliva


The importance of agriculture in global waste management
E. I. Stentiford, I. Issaias, J. T. Pereira-Neto, G. Monge

Nitrogen and phosphorus excretion by UK dairy cows
J. A. Laws, K. A. Smith, B. Cottrill, R. J. Dewhurst

Evaluation of compost efficiency for soil carbon storage based on biochemical fractionation of their organic matter: validation using a long term experiment
S. Houot, J.N. Rampon, M. Le Villio-Poitrenaud

Pig slurry application on alfalfa: what can we gain in terms of carbon cycle?
E. Ceotto, P. Spallacci, R. Marchetti

Effect of multi-year surface-banding of dairy slurry on grass
S. Bittman, C.G. Kowalenko, D.E. Hunt, F. Bounaix, T. Forge

Effect of organic amendments on soil aggregate stability
M. Annabi, S. Houot, M. Poitrenaud, J.N. Rampon, H. Gaillard, Y. Le Bissonnais

Short term evolution of pig slurry macronutrients (N, P, K) accumulated into an over amended lysimeter (SOLEPUR)
P. Peu, J. Martinez, F. Birgand, P. Hinsinger, M. Benedetti

Anaerobically digested source separated food residues as fertiliser in cereal production
H. Akerhielm, A.Richert-Stintzing

Short-term carbon and nitrogen mineralisation in soil amended with winery and distillery organic wastes
M.A. Bustamante, M.D. Pérez-Murcia, C. Paredes, R. Moral, A. Pérez-Espinosa, J. Moreno-Caselles

Differences in the chemical composition of colloidal organic matter from various municipal solid waste composts as studied by pyrolysis/GC/MS
M.F. Dignac, M. Andrades, S. Houot, E. Barriuso

Soil fertility building crops in organic farming
D.J. Hatch, A. Joynes, A. Stone, G. Goodlass

The pH and nutrient content of sewage sludge treated with limestone by-products and destined for agricultural use
F. Quiroga-Lago, Y. Pousada-Ferradás, A. Núnez-Delgado

Evolution of the nitrogen apparent recovery index of total nitrogen solid manure applied every year on a cut perennial rye grass
J.M. Bodet, R. Trochard

Effect of the nitrification inhibitor DMPP applied with mineral fertiliser and cattle slurry on yield and N uptake from grassland
P. Merino, S. Menéndez, M. Pinto, J. M. Estavillo, C. González-Murua

Laser granulometry of colloidal organic matter extracted from composts
J.C. Dur, M. Andrades, S. Houot, D. Tessier , M. Poitrenaud, E. Barriuso

Assessing N dynamics of organic wastes in field conditions using a calculation model
V. Parnaudeau, P. Robert, C. Herre , F. Millon, B. Mary, B. Nicolardot

Nutrient load from agricultural source in Lombardy (Italy)
G. Provolo

A field device for slurry nutrient content assessment
G. Provolo, L. Martinez-Suller

Moisture characteristics of the artificial media composed of rice husk and demonstration on sweet potato cultivation
S. Yamanaka, A. Tanaka, K. Nakaji

Investigations on the fertilizing capacity of bottom sediments from eutrophicated lake
V. Koutev, G. Hiebaum, S. Sinaj

Fertilization of barley with pig slurry: residual and cumulative effects
D. Hernández, J.M. Fernández, R. del Río, H. M. Fritis, A. Polo

Carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus content in soil following pig-slurry application to crop rotations with different input levels
R. Marchetti, E. Ceotto, A. Marino

Utilization of tannery waste as soil less media in agriculture for tomato growth
I. Azni, H. Mahdi, O. Syed, O. Roslin

Prediction of mineralisation nitrogen potential from organic residues to ryegrass and wheat crops
C.M.d.S. Cordovil, J. Coutinho, F. Cabral

Effects of 12 years use of sewage sludge on the plant-soil system
P. Mantovi, G. Baldoni

Composting as a management alternative for beef feedlot manure in southern Alberta, Canada
F.J. Larney, X. Hao

Evaluation of a compost obtained from solid phase of pig slurry and forestry wastes as a substrate for seedlings production
H.M. Ribeiro, A.M. Romero, H. Pereira, P. Borges, F. Cabral, E. Vasconcelos

Long-term excessive organic waste use on environmental impact and sustainability
A. Siegenthaler, W. Stuffer

Exploitation of composted agricultural wastes as growing media
E. Carmona, M. Avilés, I. Domínguez, M.T. Moreno, P. Pajuelo, J. Ordovás

Effects of three consecutive applications of MSW compost on sandy soil under intensive fertilization conditions
F. Madrid, R. López, F. Cabrera

Effects of sewage sludge application on N dynamics in forests soils: a field study
G. Egiarte, M. Camps Arbestaín, Y. Uriondo, M. Pinto

Evolution of nitrogen apparent recovery index of total nitrogen solid manure applied every two years in a maize wheat rotation
R. Trochard, J.M. Bodet, D. Heddadj, M.M. Cabaret

Comparative studies of the efficiency of lime refuse from sugar beet factories as an agricultural liming material
P. González-Fernández, R. Espejo-Serrano, R. Ordónez-Fernández, F. Peregrina-Alonso

Characterization of manure from fish cage farming in Chile
F. Salazar, R. Saldana

The effect of organic residues from different sources on soil properties, fruit production and mineral composition of pepper crop
E. Vasconcelos, F. Cabral, H. M. Ribeiro, C. M.d.S. Cordovil

Relative contribution of crop residue bound-N to irrigated rice and carbon storage in a subtropical soil
M.I. Khalil, M.A. Haque, M.A. Sattar, U. Schmidhalter

Effect of a composted sewage sludge on the performance of mycorrhizal Retama sphaerocarpa L. seedlings afforested in a degraded soil under two water regimes
M.M. Alguacil, F. Caravaca, G. Díaz, P. Marín, A. Roldán

Meat and bone meal: fertilizing value and rates of nitrogen mineralization
C. Chaves, R. Canet, R. Albiach, J. Marín, F. Pomares

Peculiarities of the action of microbial fertilizers from livestock waste in “soil-plant-microorganisms” system
I.A. Arkhipchenko, O.V. Orlova

Characterization of the wastewater from the two-phase centrifugation system for olive oil extraction
E. Madejón, A. Romero, R. López, F. Cabrera

Microbial biomass and activity of an agricultural soil amended with the solid phase of pig slurry
C. Guerrero, R. Moral, I. Gomez, A. Estevez

Agronomic use of the solid phase of pig slurry on cucumber crop: nutrient extraction and biomass production
R. Moral, J. Moreno-Caselles, M. D. Perez-Murcia, A. Perez-Espinosa, C. Paredes

Fertilising value of phosphorus from urban and agricultural organic waste
M. Lineres, C. Morel

Waste organic matter quality versus soil amendment effects
M. Soliva, M. López, O. Huerta, J. Valero, M. T. Felipó

The use of composted waste as a growing medium and peat diluent
M. Prasad, M. J. Maher

Application of pig slurries in the Guadalentin valley for broccoli and watermelon production: influence on some soil chemical characteristics
M. Llona, A. Faz, J. Lobera

New micro-meteorological techniques for measuring gas emission from stored solid manure
S.G. Sommer, S.M. McGinn, X. Hao, F.J. Larney

Assessment of the ammonia abatement potential of different geographical regions and altitudinal zones based on a large-scale survey
B. Reidy, H. Menzi

Sustainable Organic Waste Management for Enviromental Protection and Food Safety Ammonia abatement: Effectiveness and costs in two German model farms
B. Eurich-Menden, H. Döhler

European agricultural gaseous emissions inventory researchers network (EAGER)
H. Menzi, J. Webb, U. Dämmgen, T.H. Misselbrook, B. Reidy, N.J. Hutchings, H. Döhler, L. Rodhe, G.J. Monteny

Can the additive “Effective Micro-Organisms (EM)” reduce ammonia and greenhouse gas emissions from slurry stores?
B. Amon, V. Kryvoruchko, T. Amon, G. Moitzi

Quantifying odour emission from composting
P. Hobbs, R. Noble, J. Williams, A. Dobrovin-Pennington

Measurement and abatement of ammonia emissions from hard standings used by livestock
S.L. Gilhespy, V. Camp, A. Retter, T.H. Misselbrook, J. Webb

Ammonia emission from FYM heaps and cattle and swine slurry stores
P. Balsari, G. Airoldi, F. Gioelli

Integrated management practices to minimise losses and maximise crop nitrogen value of broiler litter
E. Sagoo, J.R. Williams, B.J. Chambers, L. Boyles, R. Matthews, D.R. Chadwick

Dynamic modelling of ammonia biofiltration from waste gases
G. Baquerizo, X. Gamisans,D. Gabriel, J. Lafuente

Evaluation of three approaches to decrease ammonia emission from solid manure storage facilities
G. Rogstrand, L. Rodhe, M. Tersmeden, J. Bergström

Gaseous emissions (NH3, N2O, CH4 and CO2) from a biological aerobic treatment unit of pig slurry
L. Loyon, F. Guiziou, F. Béline, P. Peu

Effects of separation and anaerobic digestion of slurry on odour and ammonia emission during subsequent storage and land application
M.N. Hansen, T. Birkmose, B. Mortensen, K. Skaaning

Comparison of gas and odour emissions from swine manure management with and without treatment facilities in Québec
S. Godbout, F. Pelletier, A. Marquis, L.O. Savard, J.P. Larouche, S.P. Lemay, R. Joncas, C. Laguë

Ammonia and greenhouse gas emissions from a straw flow system for fattening pigs
B. Amon, A. Pöllinger, V. Kryvoruchko, I. Mösenbacher, A. Hausleitner, T. Amon

Modelling ammonia and nitrous oxide emissions from slurry-amended soils Development of an infiltration submodel
T. Misselbrook, R. Parkinson, D. Scholefield

Coupling composting and biofiltration for ammonia and volatile organic compounds removal
E. Pagans, X. Font, A. Sánchez

Greenhouse gas and ammonia emission abatement by slurry treatment
B. Amon, V. Kryvoruchko, G. Moitzi, T. Amon

Influence of different levels of covering on greenhouse gas and ammonia emissions from slurry stores
B. Amon, V. Kryvoruchko, T. Amon

Technique for determination of ammonia emissions in urine-diverting wastewater systems
B. Vinneras, H. Vinneras, H. Jönssson

Ammonia, methane, nitrous oxide and particulate matter emissions in two different buildings for laying hens
C. Fabbri, L. Valli, M. Guarino, V. Mazzotta

A method to assess the reduction of ammonia and methane emissions by application of BAT in Intensive Livestock Farming
C. Fabbri, L. Valli, G. Bonazzi

Ammonia emission from land applied farm yard manure - First results
F. Gioelli,G. Airoldi, P. Balsari, E. Dinuccio

Natural crusting of slurry storage as an abatement measure for ammonia emissions on dairy farms
K. Smith, S. Brookman, T. Cumby, J. Lapworth, T. Misselbrook, E. Nigro, A. Williams

Characterization of organic packing materials in the removal of ammonia gas in automated biofilters
L. Martín, N. Ruíz, J.P. Maestre, O. Diaz, X. Gamisans, D. Gabriel, J. Lafuente

Performance characterization of a full-scale biofilter at an organic waste treatment plant
O. Diaz, X. Gamisans, D. Gabriel, J. Lafuente

Sustainable Organic Waste Management for Enviromental Protection and Food Safety Nitrogen efficiency and environmental impact from different strategies for management of green manure leys
J. Malgeryd, G. Torstensson

Study of NH3 emissions during slurry storage in small-scale tanks
M.F. Aller, A. Williams, S. Brookman, J. Webb, B. Jackson, T. Cumby

The effect of storage and rapid incorporation on N2O emissions following the application of pig and cattle FYM to land
R.E. Thorman, R. Harrison, L.O. Boyles, D.R. Chadwick, R. Matthews

Ammonia emissions from poultry manure management systems: housing, storage and land spreading losses
F.N. Nicholson, B.J. Chambers, A.W. Walker

Gaseous emissions from alternative housing systems for laying hens
F. da Borso, A. Chiumenti, T. Rodar



Health risks from pathogens in livestock manures
S. Williams

Measurement of pathogen transfer in aerosols following land application of manure
P. Hobbs, D. Davies, J. Williams, H. Bakewell, K. Smith
H. Eckel, U. Roth, H. Döhler, U. Schultheiß

Hydrated lime and Velox rapidly reduce enteric micro-organisms of manure
H. Heinonen-Tanski, S. Antola, K. Weppling

Use of crude coffee grain for treatment of petroleum hydrocarbon-contaminated soil
G.A. Roldan-Martin, R. Rodríguez-Vázquez

Hygienic aspects of biosolids reuse
J. Venglovský, J. Martinez

Comparison of humic acids from compost and peat as amendments of heavy metal polluted soils
R. Clemente, M. P. Bernal

Problems connected with the EU-animal by-product regulations in the field environmental and animal hygiene
R. Böhm

The effect of temperature on the survival of pathogenic bacteria and Ascaris Suum in stored sewage sludge
I. Berggren, A. Albihn, M. Johansson

Heavy metal fluxes in livestock farming and input reduction strategies
U. Schultheiß, H. Döhler, U. Roth, H. Eckel

Heavy metals transfer from soil to rapeseed oil
S. Darracq, C. Bernhard-Bitaud, B. Bourrie, J. Evrard, P. Burghart, X. Pages, F. Lacoste

Assisted natural remediation of trace element polluted soils
P. Burgos, A. Pérez de Mora, E. Madejón, F.Cabrera

Molecular analysis of the microbial community dynamics in pig slurry during storage and after soil application
P. Peu, P. Dabert, A.M. Pourcher, J.J. Godon, J.P. Delgenes

Adsorption of phenoxyacid herbicides by soil from North of Morocco amended with urban sewage sludge
J. Haouari, A. Dahchour, M. Alaoui-ElBelghiti, A. Pena

Adsorption of sulfonylurea herbicides by soil amended with different olive oil mill wastes
L. Delgado, A. Pena

Evolution of biochemical parameters in the suppression of the damping-off caused by Rhizoctonia solani after the addition of sewage sludge compost
Y. Arribas, B. Alonso, D. J. López, C. Rad, S. González

Heavy metals biosorption by compost-associated microorganisms: practical applications
M.J. Lopez, M.C. Vargas, F. Suárez, G. Guisado, J. Moreno

Management sewage sludge thermal drying amended soil
M.M. Delgado, M.A. Porcel, R. Miralles, E.M. Beltrán, L. Beringola, J. Valero

Heavy metal distribution in sewage sludge-treated soil profiles
M.J. Sánchez-Martín, M. García-Delgado, L.F. Lorenzo, M. Sánchez-Camazano

Risks of heavy metal transfer to Beta vulgaris cultivated in a contaminated soil and amended with organic wastes
R. Clemente, J. L. Martínez, C. Paredes, M. P. Bernal

Total and faecal coliform bacteria persistence in a pig slurry amended soil
A.B. Rufete, M.D. Perez-Murcia, A. Perez-Espinosa, R. Moral, J. Moreno-Caselles, C. Paredes

Detection of intestinal parasites in pig slurries collected from farms in the Alicante province (Spain)
F.J. Bornay, L. Navarro, F. Garcia-Orenes, H. Araez, M.D. Perez-Murcia, R. Moral

Lifecycle of metals in composting of MSW
A.F. Chica, A. Rosal, M.A. Martín, J.E. Castillo, F. Herrera

Raw organic material origin and compost heavy metal contents
M. López, O. Huerta, J. Valero, M. Soliva

Sustainable Organic Waste Management for Enviromental Protection and Food Safety Volatile fatty acid concentration and inhibitory effect upon some pathogen strains of several compost extracts
M. Viuda, A. Gil, J. Fernández, M.E. Sayas, F.R. Marín, J.A. Pérez

Effects of municipal waste composts on soil and crop heavy metals in grass cultivation in Finland
T. Tontti, R. Mäkelä-Kurtto, A. Halinen

Agronomic use of pig slurry for broccoli production: investigation of pathogen microorganisms
J.L. Tortosa, A.Faz, A. Palop


State of the art of anaerobic digestion in Italy
S. Piccinini

Enhancement of the anaerobic digestion process of primary and secondary sludge by thermal and chemical pre-treatment
M. Climent, F. Gimeno, M. Baeza, X. Font, M.A. Gordillo, A. Artola

Anaerobic co-digestion of organic fraction of municipal solid wastes and industrial greases
A. Fernández, X. Font, A. Sánchez

Study of biochemical and microbiological parameters during composting of pine and eucalyptus bark
A.C. Cunha-Queda, H. Ribeiro, A. Ramos, F. Cabral

Development of environmentally superior technology to replace swine lagoons in the USA
M. B. Vanotti, A. A. Szogi, P. G. Hunt, A. Q. Ellison, P. D. Millner

Full-scale combination of anaerobic digestion and concentration by evaporation in Garrigues (Lleida, Spain): Evaluation after 2 years of operation
J. Palatsi, E. Campos-Pozuelo, M. Torres, S. Porras, X. Flotats

Investigation of the N-dynamics during composting under special consideration of N2-generation
I.Körner, R. Stegmann

Agricultural reuse of olive mill effluents after energy recovery
A. Nastri, N.A. Ramieri, R. Abdayem, P. Gioacchini, C. Marzadori, C. Ciavatta

Manure separation as a pre-treatment method to increase gasproduction in biogasplants
H.B. Moller, H. Hartmann, B. K. Ahring

Evolution of chemical and physicochemical properties of MSW compost during three long-term maturing treatments
R. Canet, R. Albiach, E. Ferrer, P. Flores, F. Pomares

Methane production from maize, grassland and animal manures through anaerobic digestion
T. Amon, V. Kryvoruchko, B. Amon

Phytotoxicity decrease of water-soluble substances from olive mill dry residue by hydrolytic enzymes produced by saprobe fungi
E. Aranda, I. Sampedro, J.A. Ocampo, I. García-Romera

Decrease of tomato toxicity caused by olive mill dry residues using arbuscular and saprobe fungi
I. Sampedro, E. Aranda, J.A. Ocampo, I. García-Romera

Selection of procymidone degrading microorganisms from composting of plant wastes
M.C. Vargas, F. Suárez, M.J. López, E. Fernández, J. Moreno

Effect of the raw material and bacterial inoculation on humic and lignocellulosic fractions during composting of horticultural wastes
F. Suárez, M.C. Vargas, M.J. López, E. Fernández, J. Moreno

Modelling of biological processes during aerobic treatment of piggery wastewater aiming at process optimisation
F. Béline , H. Boursier, F. Guiziou, E. Paul

Comparison of composing and urea treatment for sanitising of faecal matter
B. Vinneras, H. Jönsson, A. Albihn

Municipal waste compost´s phytotoxicity on barley's germination and biomass
R. del Río, J.M. Fernández, D. Hernández, H.M. Fritis, A. Polo

Heat inactivation of porcine circovirus type 2
E. Emmoth, I. Dergel, F. McNeilly, G.M. Allan, A. Albihn, B. Klingeborn

A new structured mathematical model of the composting process
F. Solé, J. Illa, X. Flotats

Changes throughout storage, in the physico-chemical characteristics of a mixture containing wood ash, sewage sludge and meat flour
M.Y. Pousada, A. Núnez, S. Seoane

Sustainable Organic Waste Management for Enviromental Protection and Food Safety Evaluation of a mixture of wood ash, sewage sludge and meat flour
M.Y. Pousada, A. Núnez, S. Seoane

Co-composting sewage sludge and fats. Optimal ratios and process evolution
T. Gea, A. Artola, A. Sánchez

An evaluation of commercial additives in optimisation of the composting process
L. Rossi, S. Piccinini, L. Valli

A contribution to the study of co-composting of poultry and forest wastes
M.E. Silva, L.T. Lemos, O.C. Nunes

Aeration effect on nitrogenous emissions during the composting of turkey or cattle manure
N. Abd El Kader, J.M. Paillat, P. Robin, Ph. Leterme

Improving composting treatment through modelling: Conception of an in-vessel composting model
A. Tremier, A. de Guardia, J.L. Martel

Dry thermophilic anaerobic digestion of organic fraction of the municipal solid waste: focusing on the inoculum sources
T. Forster, M. Pérez;, L.I. Romero, D. Sales

Composting potential of different inoculum sources on SEBAC system in treatment of municipal solid waste
T. Forster, L.A. Fernández, M. Pérez, L.I. Romero, C.J. Álvarez

The influence of C/N ratio, moisture and pH on the aerobic microbial activity of rice straw and sewage sludge blends
L. Roca-Pérez, J. Arévalo, R. Boluda

Double settling efficiency of slaughterhouse wastewater
C. Borda, C. Draghici

Co-composting process of sewage sludge and different proportions of OFMSW
A. Delgado, J.L. García, D. Sales, R. Solera del Río

Study of the co-composting process of municipal solid waste and sewage sludge: stability and maturity
A. Delgado, R. Solera del Río, D. Sales, J.L. García-Morales

Cellulase and hemicellulase production by microorganisms isolated from plant wastes composting piles
G. Guisado, M.J. López, M.C. Vargas-García, F. Suárez, J. Moreno

Natural zeolites - Remedy for concentrated animal feeding operations and sustainable agriculture
J. Krason, C. F. Knud-Hansen

Effect of a sulphuric acid ferric sulphate mix addition on the composting of domestic sewage sludge and olive mill solid wastes
L. Rodríguez, J. Villasenor, V. Sánchez

Zeolite as feed additive to reduce manure mineral content
S. Barrington, S. Leung, X. Zhao

The feasibility of olive husk co-composting with cotton waste
A. García-Gómez, M. P. Bernal

Composting "alperujo", the main by-product of the Spanish olive oil industry
J. Cegarra, J.A. Alburquerque, J. Gonzálvez, G. Tortosa

Effectiveness and environmental impact of swine manure composting
A. Chiument, iF. da Borso, T. Rodar, R. Chiumenti


Environmental management system for organic wastes management arising from intensive animal production
W. L. Magette

Assessing the reuse potential for organic waste products in urban and peri-urban agriculture
D. Forster, A. Montangero, R. Schertenleib

Economic analysis of various animal waste treatments in selected provinces in Vietnam
T. Anh Hoa, T. Thi Dan, T. Duc Luan, P. Gerber, H. Menzi

Integrated evaluation of organic waste management options
G. Provolo, E. Riva

Costs and regulations in the pig production
R. Pérez

Review of food waste management in Scotland: A case study
R. Fernand, O. Pahl, R. Gilmour

Sustainable Organic Waste Management for Enviromental Protection and Food Safety Survey on manure management: a valuable tool to assess and optimise farm nutrient cycling and minimise emissions
H. Menzi, B. Reidy, K. Smith

Management manure and manure treatment plant: present and future. The farm school of Murcia University's Veterinary Science Faculty
J. Martínez-Almela, J.A. Munoz Luna, X.J. Barrera

Changes in pH and basic cations in runoff water collected in a forest plot treated with wood ash
F. Quiroga-Lago, A. Núnez-Delgado

Denitrification enzyme activity in a marsh-pond-marsh wetland used for swine wastewater treatment as influenced by alternate wetting and drying cycles
P.G. Hunt, T.A. Matheny, M.E. Poach, G.B. Reddy

Survey on manure management in Southern Piedmont region of Italy, new rules and following potential future strategies
E. Cavallo, S. Ferrero

Animal waste management in Vietnam - Problems and solutions
T. Thi Dan, T. Anh Hoa, L.Quang Hung, B. Minh Tri, H. T. Kim Hoa, L.Thanh Hien, N. Ngoc Tri, P. Gerber, H. Menzi

Concepts of valorization of dairy farm wastewater
S. Barrington, S. Morin, S. Lemay, A. Ali

Alternative raw materials of cellulose pulp from agroforestry residues
F. López, A. Alfaro, M. García, M.J. Díaz

SPREADS - A system for controlling the costs and efficiency of manure and slurry spreading on farms
M. Gibbons, S. Anthony, K. Smith

Study of livestock waste processing into microbial fertilizers to solve environmental problems
I. A. Arkhipchenko

Guidelines for the use of human urine and faeces in crop prouduction
A. Richert Stintzing, H. Jönsson, B. Vinneras, E. Salomon

Calculation of unit cost for techniques for the reduction of ammonia emissions from livestock production
G. Montalvo, P. Illescas, M. Ryan, C. Pineiro, M. Herrero, M. Giráldez, M. Bigeriego

Organic waste management in agri-food industry in Poland
K. Malinska

Ecological sanitation and urban agriculture - TepozEco Project, México
M. B. Petrowitsch, F. Arroyo

Proposals for the management of yard waste in the Vallés Oriental region
E. Pagans, J. Mayoral, A. Sánchez, F. Vázquez, X. Font

Shallow injection of slurry in open and closed slots on ley Technology, placement of slurry and ammonia emissions
L. Rodhe, A. Etana, G. Gebresenbet, T. Rydberg

Results of the Italian National Research Programme on: "Recycling the wastes of the agro-industrial system"
F. Sangiorgi

Liming with slurry enriched with calcium carbonate used like bedding material in a dairy cows stall
J. Castro, R. Novoa, R. Blazquez

Annexe I. Reports of Sessions and Round Tables

Annexe II. List of Participants

Annexe III. Press Coverage

Network Coordinators:
Tom Misselbrook
David Fangueiro


Ramiran 06 May 07 - 29, 2019
VI International Symposium on Agricultural and Agroindustrial Waste Management - VI SIGERA will be held in Florianopolis, Santa Catarina State, Brazil, The thematic of the Symposium will be Biotechnologie Applied to the Treatment and Reuse of Wastes.

Ramiran 06 September 8 - 12, 2019
The XIXth ISAH Congress,
will be held from 8th to 12th September 2019, Wroclaw, Poland.