Leachate production

Casella di testo:

University of Padua

IMAGE Department


Casella di testo:
Casella di testo:
Casella di testo:
Casella di testo: Casella di testo: Casella di testo:



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Casella di testo: Casella di testo: Casella di testo: Casella di testo: Casella di testo:

Principal factors:

v Water availability

v Characteristics of final cover

v Characteristics of tipped waste

v Method of impermeabilization


Hydrological Balance


L = P + S + G + R* - R + DUs + DUw - ET + b


L = Leachate generated

P = Precipitation (actually plus recirculated leachate and surface input)

S, G = infiltration from surface water or groundwater

DUs = Change in moisture storage in top cover

ET = Actual evapotranspiration

R, R* = Surface run-off

DUw = Change in moisture content of refuse

b = biochemical water production or consumption




I = P + R* - R + DUs - ET


Surface run-off


R = C · P

R = surface run-off  (mm/d)

C = run-off coefficient

P = uniform rate of rainfall intensity (mm/d)


C = a · bi


a : depends on the presence of the final cover, on the kind of materials used and on the slope.


b : depends on soil moisture content in the different months


Run-off Coefficients


Evapotranspiration (ET)


 Potential ET (ETp): Maximal ET from surface covered with a homogeneous, green crop with optimal water supply

 Governing factors:

 Meteorological factors: Wind, Temperature, Relative humidity

 Soil and plant factors: Type/state of crop, Soil type



Actual evapotranspiration:


                                                        ET = ETp.U/FC

U = actual moisture content

FC =  field capacity 


Potential evapotranspiration

Thorntwaite Formula:


 PEi = potential evapotranspiration of the i-month (mm/month)


  Ti  = monthly average temperature (°C)                     


Estimation of Leachate Volume for Europe


A rough estimation of leachate production may be given as a percentage of rainfall, as a function of waste density in landfill:


 low compacted landfill: 25 - 50 %   of rainfall

 high compacted landfill: 15 - 25 %   of rainfall


As a consequence, for an average precipitation of  700 mm/y  the leachate production expected is:


    low compacted landfill :               5 - 10 m³ / (ha.d)

    high compacted landfill :              4 - 5 m³ / (ha.d)