Leakage in liner system

Casella di testo:

University of Padua

IMAGE Department


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Casella di testo: Casella di testo: Casella di testo:

Leakage in liner system


  Leakage through a clay-only liner:


Qs = ks · i · A


Qs  = leakage rate through the clay

ks = hydraulic conductivity of the clay (m/s)

i = gradient (dimensionless), expressed as the ratio of leachate head (m)

     to the liner thickness (m)

A = area of liner considered (m2)



  Leakage through a single hole in a geomembrane-only liner:


QG = CB · a · (2gh)½


QG = leakage rate through a hole in the geomembrane

CB = dimensionless coefficient dependent on the shape of the orifice

a = area of the hole (m2)

g = acceleration due to gravity (m/s2)

h = leachate head (m)



  Frequency of 10 holes per hectare, each having a diameter equal to the thickness of the geomembrane

  Very high permeabilities of the media above and below the geomembrane


  Leakage through a geomembrane/clay composite:


QG = 0,21· a0,1 · h0,9 ks0,74



 Very large hydraulic conductivity of the materials above and below the liners

 No lateral gradients


Leakage rates can be reduced by one or two orders of magnitude by the use of a composite liner.


Long-term performance and failure mechanisms


 A barrier system with lining materials performing perfect containment does not exist

 Compacted clay liners may fail to function satisfactorily as cracking occurs due to adverse climatic conditions and deformation due to different settlement

 Ageing of geomembranes may result in accelerated stress cracking phenomena with a possibility of ruptures and leakage

 When designing a barrier system it is fundamental to take into account all possibilities of failure whilst bearing in mind, as data input, a certain percentage of material damage