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University of Padua

IMAGE Department


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 EU Council Directive 1999/31/EC

European Directives fix overall objectives,  general criteria and procedures,  some important  particular obligations or exclusions  and the time for reaching  the objectives.  


Member States and/or Local Administations establish law and regulations with technical  annexes in order to make possible the landfill realization and operation.


The Landfill Directive:

  Defines three classes of  landfills and  establishes  the general requirements

  Fixes  waste acceptance criteria and procedures at various classes of landfills   and the treatments non acceptable in landfills and the waste to be accepted in different classes of landfills

  Decides that biodegradable waste going to landfills must be  reduced,  by steps in 15 years,  to 35% of the 1995 amount

  Gives recommendations to  Member States about:

   a)  the  procedures for application of  a permit for a new  landfill,  the

        conditions to be fulfilled for obtaining the permit and the contents

        of the permit

    b) the controls and monitoring procedures in  the operational phase

    c)  when and how  a landfill should be closed  and  the obligations  

        and responsibility of the operator during  aftercare period

    d) how  the  above rules are to be applied to existing landfills



Landfilling: Types


Several types of landfills exist categorised as to waste in-put:

  Landfills for hazardous waste

  Landfills for non-hazardous waste

   - Mixed organic and inorganic waste landfills:
           - MSW landfills
           - Industrial landfill
           - Co-disposal landfills

   - Inorganic waste landfills:
           - Mixed industrial waste
           - Monofills (bottom ashes, etc.)

  Inert waste landfills



EU  General Requirements for all Classes of Landfills


1. The location o the landfill must take in account:

  - the distance from urban sites, residential areas, waterways, water bodies,   agricultural sites

    - groundwater, coastal water natural protection zones

    - geological and hydrogeological conditions of the area

    -  the risk o flooding, subsidence, avalanches

    - the natural and cultural patrimony o the area

2. All but inert landfill designs must assure water and  leachate control in order to:

- control water from precipitation or from surface or from ground entering into the landfill body

- collect and treat leachate and contaminate water

3. Soil and water must be protected:

- Geological barrier and bottom liner must be designed in order to

   prevent  soil and groundwater pollution

- Landfill base and sides must show low permeability  in relation to

  landfill  class

4. Produced gas must be controlled in order to

 - avoid gas accumulation and migration

 - collect and use gas for producing energy, or flare it

5. Measures shall be taken to minimise nuisance and hazards like: 

 -  odour emission

 -  wind blown materials

 -  noise and traffic

 -  birds and insects

 -  fires



EU Waste Acceptance and Procedures


 Composition, leachability, long term behaviour of waste to be landfilled must be known as  precisely as  possible


 Member States should set list of waste to be accepted or refused at each class of landfill


 Criteria for acceptance  must be derived by considering:

-    protection of surrounding environment

-    protection of the landfill barriers

-    protection of the designed waste stabilization process within the landfill

-    protection against human-health hazard


 Examples of waste property-based criteria are:

-    limitation of the amount of organic matter

-    limitation on the biodegradability of organic waste

-   limitation on the potential leachability of specific/hazardous compound



EU Controls and Monitoring Procedures in operation and aftercare


 Member States should supply data  on the collection method for meteorological data

 Water balance should be used for evaluating if leachate is building up in the landfill body

 Sampling of leachate and surface water must be collected with specific frequency at representative points

 Gas monitoring must be done  for each section of landfill

 Monitoring of groundwater likely to be affected by discharging o leachate  must be  regularly performed

 Settling behaviour of the landfill body should be yearly  monitored