Scientific Program Topics


  1. Efficient use of water and slurry management in livestock production systems

  2. Management of livestock diet to minimize environmental impact of manure and slurries

  3. Production technologies towards sustainability of livestock units

  4. Treatment and use of non conventional organic residues in agriculture

  5. Environmental, nutrient losses, impact of storage and spreading operations

  6. Innovation and technology transfer 

  7. Pre-processing of manure and organic waste for energy production

  8. Technologies/systems for different manure and organic waste treatment options

  9. Use of manures and organic wastes to improve soil quality and nutrient balances

  10. Integrated manure and organic wastes management at the farm level

  11. Economical determinants and strategies for integrated sustainability across Europe

  12. Manure and organic residues management approaches in non-European countries

  13. Environmental and sanitary safety aspects of manure and organic residues utilization

  14. Use of manures and organic residues for the recovery of degraded and contaminated soils