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    Network on Recycling of Agricultural Municipal 

          and Industrial Residues in Agriculture

15th International conference

Versailles, 2013

Scientific program

Treatment processes for agriculture
Click on the numbers to see the articles

  • Oral Presentations

S8.01. Monitoring and evaluation of composting as manure management strategy in the Region of Murcia (Spain)
S8.02. On-farm composting of dairy cattle slurry solid fraction
S8.03. Effect of biochar and compost usage in farmland on carbon sequestration and plant growth
S8.04. Agro-environmental assessment of composting plants in Southwestern of Morocco (Souss Massa Region
S8.05. Calculation tool for gas emissions and composition of Swine, Cattle and Poultry manures through treatment processes.
S8.06. Technical and economical evaluation of digestate processing techniques
S8.07. Combustion and pyrolysis as potential ways of recycling Phosphorus from agricultural residues as fertilizers for plant production
S8.08. Phosphorus from manure derived biochar as a fertilizer source for cotton and soybean
S8.09. Anaerobic digestion of organic manures: effects on plant available N and C retention in soil
S8.10. How do biochar characteristics influence its capacity to mitigate N2O emissions in agricultural soils?
S8.11. Drying solid fractions of animal manure to produce commercial fertilizers
S8.12. Membrane fouling during the filtration of swine manure pretreated by flocculation using cationic polymer
S8.13. Manure Acidification Affecting Solid-Liquid Separation Efficiency
S8.14. New Concepts of Ammonia Removal from Digested Swine Effluents Using Anammox Based Deammonification Process
S8.15. Ammonia removal from swine wastewater by simultaneous nitrification-denitrification processes within a photobioreactor.

  • Posters

S8.16. Treatment of Vegetable Residues
S8.17. Management of the wastes derived from anaerobic digestion: development of an industrial composting strategy
S8.18. Microbial inoculation of organic household waste compost - effects on nutrient availability and bulk reduction.
S8.19. Comparative techno-economical study between membrane technology systems for obtaining concentrated fertilizers from manure
S8.20. Nutrients recovering from livestock manure by Nanofiltration
S8.21. Linking microbial respiration to organic matter Van Soest fractions during aerobic wastes degradation
S8.22. Pig slurry separation using different separation technologies: nutrients plant availability of the resulting liquid and solid fractions
S8.23. Uptake of organic effluents by lignocellulosic residues and implications for compost production
S8.24. Decreased Organic and Increased Inorganic Degradation upon Manure Acidification
S8.25. Nutrient recovery from biogas digestate by using clinoptilolite
S8.26. The Effect of Novel Materials on Yield and Biodiversity within Commercial Crops
S8.27. The effects of heavy metals, ammonia and electrical conductivity in compost derived from swine solid fraction on seed germination and root elongation of Lepidium sativum
S8.28. Effect of different slurry pre–treatments on mechanical separation methods efficiency: preliminary results
S8.29. Comparison of different approaches for ammonia emissions minimization by acidification of dairy and pig slurries
S8.30. Evaluation of lime treatment to control Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (Map) survival on dairy slurry storage
S8.31. Characterisation of membrane fouling by Raman and IR spectroscopy
S8.32. Characterization of digestates: do they fit with soil improvers or fertilizers standards?
S8.33. Effect of biochar amendment during composting and compost storage on greenhouse gas emissions, N losses and P availability
S8.34. Influence of meteorological conditions and composting facilities on active composting performance
S8.35. Hygienic quality of organic fertilizer products intended for plant production in neighboring farms
S8.36. Valorisation of by-products from agriculture and nature management: opportunities for potting media, composting or as soil improver
S8.37. Microorganisms proliferation by addition of biochar in food waste composting factory
S8.38. Membrane materials contribution to mass transfer of ammonia in membrane contactors