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    Network on Recycling of Agricultural Municipal 

          and Industrial Residues in Agriculture

15th International conference

Versailles, 2013

Scientific program

Assessment tools and environmental balance of recycling organic residues in agriculture
Click on the numbers to see the articles

  • Oral Presentations

S10.01. Réseau PRO: analyzing the French context of field experiments assessing agronomic, environmental and sanitary impacts of organic residues recycled in agriculture
S10.02. Agricultural and urban waste in tropical area: The help of Near Infrared Spectroscopy for better orientate their valorization between soil fertilization or energy production
S10.03. Emission reductions of greenhouse gas emissions and domestic waste composting in less advanced countries.  Why new assessment tools are requested
S10.04. Residual N effects from organic inputs
S10.05. Manure management and greenhouse gas mitigation in dairy husbandry
S10.06. Modelling management options of organic waste for the evaluation of synergies and trade-offs between climate change mitigation and ecosystem services
S10.07. Batfarm Software: A support tool in the selection of environmental strategies in livestock operations in the Atlantic Region
S10.08. Reducing the constraints of environmental legislation on pig production by using a selection of manure management technologies
S10.09. Systemic approach of collective biogas plants on a territory using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to move towards an environmental assessment
S10.10. Assessing fertilising practices with organic residues in agriculture: a life cycle assessment perspective
S10.11. Life cycle environmental impacts of source-separated and slurry-based cow manure systems
S10.12.Investigating citizens’ preferences for recycling Residual Organic Products in agriculture: a choice experiment approach

  • Posters

S10.13.  Farming for a better climate by improving nitrogen use efficiency and reducing greenhouse gas emissions (FarmClim)
S10.14 A novel support tool to mitigate nutrient and gaseous losses at dairy housing from EU-Atlantic Region
S10.15. Apple orchard pruning residues as a potential bioenergy source in South Tyrol: a LCA case study
S10.16. Environmental Consequences Assessment: Towards a Comprehensive Appraisal
S10.17. siMMin™ : on line software tool to simulate zinc balance in feeding programs of growing pigs
S10.18. Greenhouse gas emissions, energy demand and costs related to different fertilization strategies (mineral fertilizer vs. animal manures)
S10.19. Water use efficiency gap on dairy systems in humid and semiarid region of Argentina
S10.20. Modelling storage and windrow composting of solid manure
S10.21. Accounting GHG emissions from sludge treatment and disposal routes – methodological problems focused on sludge land spreading in agriculture
S10.22. Environmental assessment of livestock farms: a comparison of different methods to estimate emissions to air
S10.23.Greenhouse gas balances and CO2eq mitigation costs of agricultural biogas plants
S10.24.DGT (diffusive gradients in thin films) can model metal uptake by durum wheat from acidic soils amended with sewage sludge and urban composts