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    Network on Recycling of Agricultural Municipal 

          and Industrial Residues in Agriculture

15th International conference

Versailles, 2013

Scientific program

Ecosystem services provided by recycling of organic residues in agriculture
Click on the numbers to see the articles

  • Oral Presentations

S1.01. Typology of exogenous organic matter based on biochemical composition to predict effects on soil aggregate stability
S1.02. Compost-induced improvements of soil physical properties in agricultural fields on loess
S1.03. Fluxes of organic matter in harvested biomass and crop residues of energy crops: effects on soil organic matter
S1.04. Direct and indirect effects of repeated addition of sewage sludge on soil carbon stocks evaluated in four Swedish long-term field experiments
S1.05. Release of nitrogen and phosphorus from composts, AD digestates and manure and detailed characterization of these materials
S1.06. Recycling of olive oil Mill effluents stored in ponds through agricultural land disposal.
S1.07. Influence of six urban compost types on sorghum growth in Donsin, sudan-sahelian area of Burkina Faso
S1.08. Recovery and Use of Nutrients, Energy and Organic Matter from Animal Waste
S1.09. Effect of the fertilisation with anaerobic, composted and pelletised sewage sludge on the levels of soil Ca and Al in a silvopastoral system under Quercus rubra L.
S1.10. Fertilizer value of field applied digestates
S1.11. The use of vermicompost and biochar to increase soil fertility and carbon sequestration of degraded soil in Northern Vietnam
S1.12. Long-term effect of exogenous organic matter amendments on soil invertebrate diversity
S1.13. Effect or organic amendments on soil enzymatic activities. Results of the “Bioindicators” French program
S1.14. Investigating the impact of plant composting on soil organic matter and microbial community dynamics using stable isotopes and molecular analyses
S1.15. Long term effects of biosolid applications on soil biological parameters

  • Posters

S1.16. Effect of slow release organic nitrogen fertilizer combined with compost on soil fertility, yield and quality of organic zucchini in sandy soil
S1.17. A statistical approach to assess soil biodiversity and biological activity responses to repeated organic amendment applications in cultivated soils - Relationships with soil functions
S1.18. Soil microbial biomass and community structure affected by repeated additions of sewage;sludge in four Swedish long-term field experiments
S1.19. Long-term effects of urban waste composts on soil carbon and nitrogen dynamics in an agroecosystem: application of the NCSOIL/CERES-EGC coupled model
S1.20. Spatial variability of covers with harvest residues: effect on soil protection
S1.21. Effect of biochar on the N mineralization dynamics of an agricultural soil amended with sheep manure
S1.22. The perennial energy crop giant reed (Arundo donax L.) as a soil nitrate scavenger for cattle slurry application
S1.23. Long-term effect of organic amendments on soil enzymatic activities
S1.24. Fertilizer value of phosphorus in different residues
S1.25. The effect of vermicompost on radish (R. sativus) growth, before and after vermicompost maturation.
S1.26. Biomass ashes: characteristics and fertilizer use in agriculture
S1.27. Biochar effects on C and N mineralization and biochemical properties of soil amended with bioenergy by-products
S1.28. Soil biological quality and leafy crop productivity in a tunnel greenhouse under compost amendment and mineral fertilization
S1.29. Inoculation used in rapid composting: screening and application
S1.30. Incubation study of kieselguhr (diatomite) for application as organic fertilizer and soil ameliorant
S1.31. Changes of the plant-available soil phosphorus in the Qualiagro experiment for 13 years of cropping and repeated applications of different urban composts
S1.32. Short term effects of bioenergy by-products on soil C and N mineralization and biochemical properties
S1.33. Rate of mineralisation of biosolids in calcareous soils: effect of the soil type and of the biosolids treatment
S1.34. Effect of date of sewage sludge application on tree growth and pasture production in a Pinus radiata D. Don silvopastoral system
S1.35. Effect of different types of sewage sludge on Cu concentration in soil and pasture in a silvopastoral system established under Pseudotsuga menziesii L.
S1.36. Zn pasture and soil concentrations in Quescur. rubra L. silvopastoral systems fertilised with sewage sludge
S1.37. Organic amendment in urban and periurban agriculture: Biochemical composition and mineralization in different types of soil
S1.38. Soil organic carbon accumulation in a Mollisol amended with mineral and organic fertilizers under conventional tillage and no-till systems
S1.39. Effect of repeated organic waste application on soil microorganisms involved in N cycle and their activities at the plot scale
S1.40. Effect of the application of pruning residues on the nitrogen content in an ecological olive grove
S1.41. Nitrogen mineralisation from spent mushroom substrates during their short-term incubation with calcareous soils
S1.42. Quantification by a micromorphological approach of argilluviation and bioturbation rates in soils in response to land use change and recycling of organic residues .
S1.43. Long-term compost amendment of a Mediterranean horticultural soil. Part I: Relationships between biological and chemical soil quality and the yield of two crops
S1.44. Influence of vermicompost on properties and productivity of field agrocenosis (the complex assessment)